Moose (Alces alces) are North America's most charismatic herbivore. They are the largest member of the deer family, as well as being one of the largest land-dwelling mammals still remaining in North America. Males are quickly recognizable for their antlers, which be almost two meters across.
Moose are found throughout the Boreal region of North America, Europe and a small part of Asia, and during the winter, moose are largely forest-dwelling, eating shrubs and small trees to survive. When the snow melts, moose are often seen in shallow bays and wetlands, feeding on aquatic plants. They will also browse on young forests that are heavy with undergrowth.
These large mammals are uniquely adapted to the boreal forest and its many lakes. They can swim, even putting their heads underwater for short periods of time. Moose's hooves are large enough to act as a sort of snowshoe during the winter, preventing the large mammals from getting stuck in the snow.
Moose are found throughout the Boreal region of North America, Europe and a small part of Asia, and during the winter, moose are largely forest-dwelling, eating shrubs and small trees to survive. When the snow melts, moose are often seen in shallow bays and wetlands, feeding on aquatic plants. They will also browse on young forests that are heavy with undergrowth.
These large mammals are uniquely adapted to the boreal forest and its many lakes. They can swim, even putting their heads underwater for short periods of time. Moose's hooves are large enough to act as a sort of snowshoe during the winter, preventing the large mammals from getting stuck in the snow.
Over the past ten years, moose in North America have faced increasing pressure from a number of different sources. Deaths from brainworm, a fatal parasite, have increased, especially in the southern range of the species. Predation pressures continue, largely from wolves but also from black bears. Additionally, there is a growing consensus that climate change may be playing a role in the decline of the moose, a cold-adapted species.
There is only ONE location..Newfoundland..where the moose population is not declining.
Ontario, Minnesota, and several other northeastern US states and provinces have begun to record rapid declines in population, with no overall attributable factor. As a result, each of these state or provincial governments have begun to take steps to determine the causes of this decline.
In Ontario, we’re behind - while other governments have been attempting to catalogue and determine what the variables affecting this population are, we have only just begun to examine the causes of this decline in our province. The province of Ontario needs to fund more biologists, and more intensive studies to research and mitigate the decline of the moose.
There is only ONE location..Newfoundland..where the moose population is not declining.
Ontario, Minnesota, and several other northeastern US states and provinces have begun to record rapid declines in population, with no overall attributable factor. As a result, each of these state or provincial governments have begun to take steps to determine the causes of this decline.
In Ontario, we’re behind - while other governments have been attempting to catalogue and determine what the variables affecting this population are, we have only just begun to examine the causes of this decline in our province. The province of Ontario needs to fund more biologists, and more intensive studies to research and mitigate the decline of the moose.
Actions at Basket Lake
Moose are a frequent sight at Basket Lake, and females are often seen with young throughout the spring and summer. To protect them, we hope to establish it as a protected area for moose, and we are working with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to achieve this.
Further Reading
British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations
Moose in BC document
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Changes to Moose Hunting Regulations - Press Release
Aerial Survey Results by Wildlife Management Unit
Quebec Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs
Information on Moose and Winter Tick
Manitoba Ministry of Conservation and Water Stewardship
Moose Conservation Initiatives
Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources
Mainland Moose Information
Mainland Moose FAQ
Large Mammals Program
Listed Status of Moose in Nova Scotia
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Moose Management and Research
Maine Department of Natural Resources
Aerial Survey Video
New Hampshire Department of Natural Resources
What's Bugging Our Moose?
The Future of Moose FAQ
Michigan Department of Natural Resources
Moose in Michigan: History, Biology, and Considerations for Hunting
Moose Information Page
Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Moose Information
Moose Research
Nature Conservancy of Canada
The Moose Sex Project
Canadian Parks and Wildlife Service (CPAWS)
Manitoba Moose Declines
Manitoba Wildlife Federation
Call for Ban on Moose Hunting
In the Media
Ontario Plans to Tighten Moose-Hunting Regulations - CBC, 2015
Reversing the Decline of Moose Numbers in Manitoba - CBC, 2015
Moose Decline in Eastern Ontario Leads to Fewer Hunting Tags - CBC, 2015
Nova Scotia Naturally: Mainland Moose decline due to poor forest management - Halifax Chronicle Herald, 2015
Province Announces Additional Moose-Hunting Closures in Manitoba - Press Release, 2014
Researchers track New Hampshire moose population in hopes of pinpointing cause of population decline - PBS NewsHour, 2014
What's Killing the Moose? - New York Times, 2014
Where Have all the Moose Gone? - Winnipeg Free Press, 2014
Declining moose populations in some areas of Ontario puzzles biologists - Toronto Sun, 2013
What is Happening to Northern Ontario's Moose? - The Hamilton Spectator, 2013
MWF Calls for Full Moose Hunting Closure - Steinbach Online, 2012
Reversing the Decline of Moose Numbers in Manitoba - CBC, 2015
Moose Decline in Eastern Ontario Leads to Fewer Hunting Tags - CBC, 2015
Nova Scotia Naturally: Mainland Moose decline due to poor forest management - Halifax Chronicle Herald, 2015
Province Announces Additional Moose-Hunting Closures in Manitoba - Press Release, 2014
Researchers track New Hampshire moose population in hopes of pinpointing cause of population decline - PBS NewsHour, 2014
What's Killing the Moose? - New York Times, 2014
Where Have all the Moose Gone? - Winnipeg Free Press, 2014
Declining moose populations in some areas of Ontario puzzles biologists - Toronto Sun, 2013
What is Happening to Northern Ontario's Moose? - The Hamilton Spectator, 2013
MWF Calls for Full Moose Hunting Closure - Steinbach Online, 2012